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Master Google Cloud Security Certification Offer
01 - Course Introduction
001 Course Introduction (4:02)
004 ACE Exam Guide (9:05)
005 Create GCP Free Tier Account (2:29)
02 - GCP Fundamental
001 -NEW- What is GCP - Google Cloud Computing Platform & Why (5:05)
002 -NEW- GCP Region & Zones (8:39)
003 Different GCP Services (6:12)
004 Services & Availability Zones (5:01)
04 - 1.1 Setting up cloud projects and accounts
001 -Hands-on- Creating projects (11:30)
002 -Hands-on- Assigning users to predefined IAM roles within a project (23:44)
003 -Hands-on- Managing users in Cloud Identity (manually and automated) (17:35)
004 -Hands-on- Enabling APIs within projects (8:36)
05 - 1.2 Managing billing configuration
002 -Hands-on- Establishing billing budgets and alerts (5:22)
001 -Hands-on- Creating one or more billing accounts & Link projects (9:13)
003 -Hands-on- Setting up billing exports to estimate dailymonthly charges (6:26)
06 - 1.3 Installing and configuring the command line interface (CLI), Cloud SDK
001 Section Introduction (3:24)
002 -Hands-on- Cloud Shell - 1 (16:11)
003 -Hands-on- Cloud Shell - 2 (11:23)
004 -Hands-on- Cloud Shell - 3 (10:05)
005 -Hands-on- Cloud SDK Part - I (6:43)
006 -Hands-on- Cloud SDK Part - II (9:23)
007 -Hands-on- Cloud SDK Part - III (6:04)
009 GCloud command for Module - 1 (9:19)
08 - 2.1 Planning and estimating GCP product use using the Pricing Calculator
001 -Hands-on- GCP pricing calculator (7:37)
09 - 2.2 Planning and configuring compute resources
001 Section Introduction (2:03)
002 Different compute resources (9:23)
003 Selecting appropriate compute options (4:32)
004 -Hands-on- Preemptible VMs (7:44)
005 -Hands-on- Preemptible VM (Contd...) (3:05)
006 -Hands-on- Custom machine types (8:56)
10 - 2.3 Planning and configuring data storage options
001 Section Introduction (1:27)
002 Different cloud data products (6:27)
003 Google Cloud Storage & Storage classes (13:42)
004 Select proper storage option (4:25)
13 - 3.1 Deploying and implementing Compute Engine resources
001 Section Introduction (1:45)
004 -Hands-on- Attach Different Disk to VM (11:36)
007 -Hands-on- Custom SSH key for instances (11:15)
010 Gcloud - Compute Engine (13:56)
011 Compute Engine MoveInstance FIX (6:27)
14 - Instance Group & Load Balancing
001 Section Introduction (1:33)
002 Introduction to Instance Group (3:50)
003 -Hands-on- Instance Template (5:43)
004 -Hands-on- Create VM from Instance Template (3:49)
005 -Hands-on- Provision Managed Instance Group (14:27)
006 -Hands-on- Explore managed instance group (6:04)
007 -Hands-on- Create HTTP Load balancer (8:53)
008 -Hands-on- Rolling update to Managed Instance Group (10:48)
15 - 3.2 Deploying and implementing Google Kubernetes Engine resources
002 Introduction to Kubernetes Engine (4:38)
001 Section Introduction (1:00)
003 Kubernetes App deployment Steps (2:08)
004 -Hands-on- Create Kubernetes Cluster Step - 1 (14:01)
005 -Hands-on- Create Container Images Step - 2 (7:54)
006 -Hands-on- Deploy Workload Step - 3 (3:33)
008 -Hands-on- Explore Kubernetes (9:33)
009 -Hands-on- Container Image repository (4:56)
010 -Hands-on- Working with Nodepools (11:24)
011 -Hands-on- Working with Pods & Services (9:23)
16 - 3.3 Deploying and implementing App Engine, Cloud Run, and Cloud Functions
001 Section Introduction (1:25)
17 - Google App engine
002 -Hands-on- Deploy App on Google App Engine - Standard GAE (12:05)
001 Introduction to Google App Engine - GAE (8:15)
003 -Hands-on- App engine Auto scaling - GAE (6:04)
004 -Hands-on- App versioning - GAE (7:13)
005 -Hands-on- Deploy another services - GAE (4:52)
006 GCloud - Google App Engine (7:20)
18 - Google Cloud Run
001 -Hands-on- Cloud Run Part - I (11:28)
002 -Hands-on- Cloud Run Part - II (7:28)
19 - Google Cloud Functions
001 Introduction to Google cloud function (5:51)
002 -Hands-on- Google Cloud Function - Http trigger (7:08)
003 -Hands-on- Google Cloud Function - GCS trigger (5:32)
004 -Hands-on- Google Cloud Function - PubSub trigger (4:36)
20 - 3.4 Deploying and implementing data solutions
001 Section Introduction (2:50)
21 - Google Cloud Storage
002 -Hands-on- Google Cloud Storage - Create Bucket & Upload object (15:23)
001 Google Cloud Storage Introduction (5:40)
003 -Hands-on- Google Cloud Storage - Object Life cycle (3:39)
004 -Hands-on- Google Cloud Storage - Access Control (9:57)
005 -Hands-on- Google Cloud Storage - signurl (7:35)
006 GCloud - Google Cloud Storage (14:24)
22 - Google Cloud SQL
001 -Hands-on- Cloud SQL Part - I (16:38)
002 -Hands-on- Cloud SQL Part - II (8:22)
003 -Hands-on- Cloud SQL Part - III (10:12)
23 - Cloud Spanner
002 -Hands-on- Cloud Spanner Part - II (10:04)
001 -Hands-on- Cloud Spanner Part - I (11:41)
24 - Cloud Memory store
001 -Hands-on- Introduction to memorystore & provision Redis (6:24)
002 -Hands-on- Redis Memorystore (7:03)
25 - Cloud Datastore & Fire store
001 Introduction to Datastore & Firestore (5:48)
002 -Hands-on- Firestore (8:08)
003 -Hands-on- Datastore (7:23)
26 - Google Cloud Big Table
002 -Hands-on- Cloud Big table (14:55)
001 Introduction to Cloud BigTable (3:38)
27 - Google Cloud Big Query
001 Introduction to BigQuery (4:34)
002 -Hands-on- Explore BigQuery UI + Public Dataset (13:10)
003 -Hands-on- Explore BigQuery UI + Public Dataset Contd (9:54)
004 -Hands-on- Upload Data from Local (9:05)
005 Google BigQuery Pricing (3:14)
28 - Pubsub - Asynchronous communication
001 Introduction to Cloud Pubsub (7:33)
002 -Hands-on- Cloud PubSub demo (13:47)
29 - Cloud Data Flow
001 Introduction to DataFlow (2:36)
002 -Hands-on- PubSub to BigQuery with DataFlow (13:37)
30 - Cloud Data Proc
002 -Hands-on- Submit Spark Job (7:42)
001 -Hands-on- DataProc Cluster creation (10:30)
31 - 3.5 Deploying and implementing networking resources
002 Virtual Private Network & subnets (4:55)
001 Section Introduction (1:44)
003 CIDR notation (6:11)
004 Firewall Rules (3:58)
005 -Hands-on- Types of IP address (13:47)
006 -Hands-on- Default Network & Custom VPC Part - I (10:27)
007 -Hands-on- Default Network & Custom VPC Part - II (12:30)
008 Shared VPC & Network Peering (5:23)
009 -Hands-on- VPC Peering (6:47)
32 - 3.6 Deploying a solution using Cloud Marketplace
001 -Hands-on- Browsing Cloud Marketplace catalog (8:46)
002 -Hands-on- Deploying a Cloud Marketplace solution (7:47)
35 - 4.1 Managing Compute Engine resources
003 -Hands-on- RDP to the windows instance (7:58)
001 -Hands-on- Managing a single VM instance (9:54)
005 -Hands-on- Viewing current running VM inventory (4:39)
006 -Hands-on- Working with snapshots Part - I (10:06)
007 -Hands-on- Working with snapshots Part - II (5:51)
008 -Hands-on- Working with images (8:47)
40 - 4.6 Monitoring and logging
002 -Hands-on- Introduction to Monitoring & Explore (10:47)
001 Section Introduction (3:50)
003 -Hands-on- Create & Monitoring Dashboard (13:15)
004 -Hands-on- Install Monitoring agent (6:54)
005 -Hands-on- Uptime check & Alerting Part - I (13:16)
006 -Hands-on- Uptime check & Alerting Part - II (9:31)
007 Introduction to Cloud Logging (5:12)
008 -Hands-on- Explore Cloud Logging (15:17)
010 Cloud Trace & Debugger (2:51)
011 Google Cloud Platform Status (5:11)
42 - 5.1 Managing identity and access management (IAM)
001 -Hands-on- Viewing IAM role & Assigning to accounts or Google Groups (10:44)
002 -Hands-on- Defining custom IAM roles (12:24)
43 - 5.2 Managing service accounts
001 Section Introduction (1:37)
002 -Hands-on- Managing service accounts with limited privileges (11:24)
003 -Hands-on- Assigning a service account to VM instances (5:37)
004 -Hands-on- Granting access to a service account in another project (18:43)
45 - Thank You
001 Congratulations & way forward to certification (3:15)
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005 -Hands-on- Google Cloud Storage - signurl
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