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Complete Social Media Marketing Course
1. Introduction
1. Introduction (7:19)
2. Effective ways to upgrade your mindset for success (9:41)
3. The Essential Affiliate Marketing Glossary Of Terms (11:11)
4. How to get Accepted to CPA Networks (12:52)
5. How do I choose an affiliate network (3:49)
6. How To Choose Profitable CPA Offers Part 1 (11:10)
7. How To Choose Profitable CPA Offers Part 2 (7:24)
2. Landing Page
1. What is a Landing Page and How do they work (16:43)
2. How to make a Beautiful Landing Page That converts ! (5:39)
3. How To Build a Landing Page!! (10:47)
4. How To Get Amazing Photos (0:54)
3. Tracking Tools
1. How To Tracking Tools Work (6:41)
2. What is Split Testing (20:16)
3. Tracking Direct Link (5:19)
4. Tracking Landing Page (2:04)
5. Tracking tools Redirection (9:46)
4. Facebook Marketing
1. Business Facebook Manager Overview - Part1 (13:42)
2. Business Facebook Manager Overview - Part2 (11:21)
3. Business Facebook Manager Overview - Part3 (9:58)
4. Use Audience Insights On Facebook (10:50)
5. What is Retargeting and How Does it Work! - Part1 (6:54)
6. What is Retargeting and How Does it Work! - Part2 (6:54)
7. How to install pixel and How to create a custom audience! (6:18)
8. 7 ways to Spy on your Competitor’s Facebook Ads (6:46)
9. Guide on How To Structure Your Facebook Ad (8:26)
10. How To Create The Perfect Facebook Ad Campaign - Example1 (11:33)
11. How To Create The Perfect Facebook Ad Campaign - Example2 (10:03)
12. How To Promote Game Offer in Facebook By Tracking Tools (23:06)
5. SnapChat Marketing
1. 4 Tips for Launching Winning Snapchat Ads (4:48)
2. Snapchat Ads How To Start and Get Results in a Snap (34:56)
3. Actionable Tips to Get Your First 1000 Snapchat Followers (16:11)
6. Native Ads Marketing
1. The Cons Of Native Ads (8:11)
2. The Most Incredible Tips to Create Native Ads (13:02)
3. 7 Best Native Ad Spy Tools (18:48)
4. Top 8 Native Advertising Platforms (5:38)
5. Adplexity How to spy on your competitors Native ads (3:45)
6. Anstrex - How to spy on your competitors Native ads (10:02)
7. Native advertising How To Start a Campaign (6:09)
8. Headline and Image Requirements (6:01)
9. That's why Revcontent ! (4:13)
10. How To Create a Campaign in Revcontent (8:11)
11. How To Create a Campaign in Taboola (11:21)
7. Mobile Marketing - Push Notification
1. Why Push Notification Advertising is Great (8:38)
3. Useful Tricks to Drive More Traffic through Push Notification Ads (5:41)
2. List of the Best Push Notification Ad Networks (12:36)
4. Finding the Most Profitable Verticals with Mobile CPA Marketing (1:37)
5. What are Target and Source Campaigns and How Should You Use Them (5:45)
6. Best Offers For Notification Ads (1:13)
7. 3 Best Push Notification Spy Tools (12:12)
8. How to use Adplexity Spy Tool (5:51)
9. How To Create Push Notification Ads In Propellerads (7:08)
10. How To Create Tracking Link For Propellerads (5:47)
11. How To Create Push Notification Ads In Zeropark (7:31)
8. Mobile Marketing - Pop up Notification
1. Examples of Landing Pages (10:02)
3. How to create a Pop campaign in Zeropark (7:03)
2. How to create a Pop campaign in Propellerads (7:19)
4. Conclusion (0:23)
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4. Use Audience Insights On Facebook
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