What you'll learn

  • Prepare for the 2018 version of the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) Certification Exam (next CISSP update is in 2021).
  • Clear understanding of CISSP Domain 5 (Identity and Access Management (IAM)).
  • Clear understanding of CISSP Domain 6 (Security Assessment and Testing).
  • Understand IT Security and Cyber Security from a management level perspective.
  • Where to start on your CISSP certification journey.
  • Learn why you want to get your CISSP certification, what it can give you.


  • Wanting to pass the Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) Certification Exam.
  • Wanting to learn about management level IT Security and Cyber Security.
In Domain 5 we will cover:
  • Introduction to domain 5
  • Introduction to Access Control
  • Type 1 authentication - "Something you know" or "Knowledge factors"
  • Type 2 authentication - "Something you have" or "Possession factors"
  • Type 3 authentication - "Something you are" or "Biometrics"
  • Authorization
  • Accountability
  • Access control systems
  • Identity and access provisioning
  • Authentication protocols
  • What we covered in domain 5
In Domain 6 we will cover:
  • Introduction to domain 6
  • Domain 6 key concepts
  • Security Assessments 
  • Security Audits 
  • Security Audit Logs 
  • Vulnerability scanners 
  • Penetration testing 
  • Social Engineering attacks 
  • Penetration testing tools 
  • Software testing
  • What we covered in domain 6

Prepare for the 2018 version of the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) Certification Exam, which is what you will be tested on until the next CISSP curriculum update in 2021.

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  2. CISSP Domain 5 Identity and Access Management
Available in days
days after you enroll
  3. CISSP Domain 6 Security Assessment and Testing
Available in days
days after you enroll

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4769 NE 47th Court,
Oregon 97216,United States.

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