2 Sessions Per Month

Online Counseling

24/7 Support

1 Hour Session


Why seek help??

We are living in times that is very rapidly changing , so are the demands on us. We have many options available for anything and everything. Life is fast and there is no time for trial and error. Perfection is the new norm. Stress has become a household name since we have no time for socialising, no time to listen to others or to vent out our own feelings, or even acknowledge them.

In such a scenario, it is normal to have psychological problems. Despite the need of it, it is common for people to think that those who take counseling are, in some way, “less than”others, or they are inadequate , psychologically less stable or not strong enough! This is far from truth. In fact , it is very important to know when to seek help. It is a sign of better insight that one opts for counseling.

A little counseling and mental health management can help everyone to improve , in some aspect of their life. 

Visiting a counselor allows you to be your original self and be able to speak your truth, without any filters. You do not have to worry about others making judgements about you and draw their own conclusions.

Counselors are a support system that allows you to find healing for your own self, although sometimes it’s not easy. Not because you are not capable , but because you are confused about your own feelings. It is best to find clarity by speaking to professionals who go through years of rigorous education to be able to analyse your mental state. It’s only rational to think that they will be able to explain what and why of your behaviour. 

8 signs that your mental health is in good shape, according to psychologists

· You understand that the fluctuations in your mental health are natural

· You feel good

· There’s a sense of belonging

· You cope up with your circumstances well

· You do say ‘no’ to people

· You have healthy relationships

· You don’t try to please everyone

· You’ve got a healthy self-focus


Aliya Nisar is an experienced clinical Psychologist having 25 years of experience in the field of therapy and counseling as well as teaching at college and university level. She also is a certified cognitive behaviour therapist.

She is also an expert on conducting assessment in various aspects of personality and intelligence as well as clinical assessment of behavioural disorders. She is empathetic and genuine, with essential positive regard to her clients. 

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