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- 001 Intro to the Course. What's coming up_ (4:07)
- 004 How does an App Work_ (7:47)
- 005 How to Make an App (8:36)
- 006 How to Get All the Free Stuff (1:09)
- 009 How to Make the Most of the Bootcamp (6:45)
- 010 How to Get Help When You're Stuck (6:40)
- 012 Developing for iOS - Tools and Materials (10:28)
- 013 Getting set up with Xcode (3:45)
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- 015 The I am Rich App (2:57)
- 017 Let's Create a Brand New Xcode Project (6:31)
- 018 A Walkthrough of the Xcode Development Environment (14:13)
- 019 Let's Design the User Interface! (16:39)
- 020 Let's Incorporate Some Image Assets (10:36)
- 021 How to Design and Add an App Icon (9:09)
- 023 Run Your App on Your iPhone or Simulator (13:04)
- 025 How to Ace this Course (1:25)
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Available in
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- 036 What You'll Make by the End of This Module (1:59)
- 037 Cloning from GitHub and How to Download the L.A.B. Project Stubs (8:47)
- 038 How to Design Your App (9:34)
- 039 Let's Link Our Design to Our Code (22:52)
- 040 Responding to User Interactions with IBActions (8:30)
- 042 [Swift Deep Dive] Naming Conventions, Commenting and String Interpolation (9:21)
- 043 Storing Data using Variables and Arrays (16:54)
- 044 [Swift Deep Dive] Variables (7:50)
- 045 [Swift Deep Dive] Arrays (6:16)
- 046 How to Randomise the Dice Images (14:39)
- 048 [Swift Deep Dive] Constants, the Range Operator and Randomisation (14:57)
- 051 Tip from Angela - Dealing with Distractions (2:29)
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Available in
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- 063 Why do we need Auto Layout_ (2:59)
- 064 Size Classes Explained (6:34)
- 065 Setting Constraints and working with the Safe Area (8:59)
- 066 How to use Alignment and Pinning (5:52)
- 067 Working with Containers and Subviews (6:49)
- 068 Stack Views (10:27)
- 071 Calculator Challenge Solution and Walkthrough (9:58)
- 072 Tip from Angela - How to Deal with Procrastination (4:08)
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- 074 What You'll Make by the End of this Module (2:19)
- 075 Setting up the Xylophone Project (4:46)
- 076 The 5 Step Approach to Solve Any Programming Problem.en_US (24:41)
- 077 [Swift Deep Dive] Functions and Scope (10:47)
- 079 Linking Multiple Buttons to the Same IBAction (10:10)
- 080 [Swift Deep Dive] Functions with Inputs and Type Inference (9:54)
- 081 Playing Different Xylophone Sounds (4:30)
- 084 Tip from Angela - Building a Programming Habit (2:47)
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- 086 What You'll Make by the End of this Module (0:47)
- 087 Setting up the Egg Timer Project and Linking the Storyboard and ViewController (9:35)
- 088 [Swift Deep Dive] If-Else Control Flow (12:28)
- 089 [Swift Deep Dive] Switch Statements (7:27)
- 090 Conditional Statements Challenge Solution (4:53)
- 091 [Swift Deep Dive] Dictionaries (3:55)
- 092 [Swift Deep Dive] Defining and Unwrapping Optionals (10:58)
- 093 Dictionary Challenge Solution (6:17)
- 095 Egg Timer Challenge Solution (8:12)
- 096 Showing the Timer to the User with a Progress View (5:39)
- 097 Calculating the Progress Percentage (7:39)
- 098 Using the 5 Step Approach to Debug our App (11:09)
- 100 Tip from Angela - Set Your Expectations (2:35)
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- 102 What You'll Make by the End of this Module (1:18)
- 103 Setting up the Quizzler Project and Showing the Questions (11:02)
- 104 Checking Answers using 2-Dimensional Arrays (12:29)
- 105 [Swift Deep Dive] Structures, Methods and Properties (23:01)
- 106 Creating a Question Struct (7:55)
- 107 Giving the User Feedback and working with a ProgressView (10:17)
- 108 Understand the MVC Design Pattern (7:57)
- 109 Implementing MVC and Understanding Parameter Names (9:48)
- 110 [Swift Deep Dive] Functions with Outputs and Return Types (5:53)
- 111 Refactoring to Implement the MVC Design Pattern (8:42)
- 112 [Swift Deep Dive] Immutability (7:29)
- 113 Using Mutating Functions to Track the Score (9:27)
- 115 Tip from Angela - The 20 Minute Method (2:39)
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Available in
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- 128 What You'll Make by the End of this Module (1:23)
- 129 Learn How to Use a UISlider (14:39)
- 130 Using the UISliders to Calculate the BMI (6:42)
- 131 [Swift Deep Dive] Classes and Inheritance (22:06)
- 132 [Swift Deep Dive] Structs v.s. Classes (13:11)
- 133 How to Use the Docs in Xcode and Create a Custom UIViewController Class (7:10)
- 134 How to Create a UI Programatically and Pass Data between ViewControllers (13:08)
- 135 Segues and Navigation for Multi-Screen Apps (24:58)
- 136 Adopting MVC by Creating a CalculatorBrain (11:03)
- 137 [Swift Deep Dive] Optional Binding, Chaining, and the Nil Coalescing Operator (13:52)
- 138 Use Optionals in Practice and Add the Finishing Touches with Colour Literals (22:02)
- 140 Tip from Angela - Learning Before you Eat (2:06)
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Available in
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- 153 What You'll Make by the End of This Module (1:44)
- 154 Dark Mode and Working with Vector Assets (11:41)
- 155 Learn to use the UITextField (20:05)
- 156 [Swift Deep Dive] Protocols (19:53)
- 157 The Delegate Design Pattern (11:51)
- 158 An Example of Protocols and Delegates in Practice (17:39)
- 159 Understanding the OpenWeather API and URL Parameters (16:58)
- 160 Use the URLSession for Networking (18:16)
- 161 [Swift Deep Dive] Closures (20:45)
- 162 JSON Decoding (21:36)
- 163 Create a WeatherModel and Understand Computed Properties (15:34)
- 164 Typealiases and a Protocols and Delegate Challenge (10:54)
- 165 [Swift Deep Dive] Internal and External Parameter Names (2:29)
- 166 Method Naming Conventions and Error Handling (5:45)
- 167 Updating the UI by Using the DispatchQueue (6:56)
- 168 [Swift Deep Dive] Extensions and Default Implementations for Protocols (18:53)
- 169 Using Extensions to Refactor the ViewController (6:29)
- 170 Using CoreLocation to get Location Data (26:05)
- 173 Tip from Angela - Mixing Knowledge (2:21)
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Available in
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- 186 What You'll Make by the End of this Module (2:29)
- 187 Navigation Controller Stacks and Segues (14:10)
- 188 Typing Animations, Timers and For Loops (10:52)
- 189 [Swift Deep Dive] Loops (17:25)
- 191 Introduction to 3rd Party Libaries (5:55)
- 192 Cocoapods Installation Instructions (8:38)
- 193 How to Install a Pod to your Project (7:21)
- 194 Potential Problems with Pod Installation (9:11)
- 195 How to use the CLTypingLabel Pod (8:26)
- 196 How to Choose your Package Manager (5:06)
- 197 Adding Firebase to your Project (9:53)
- 198 Registering New Users (15:20)
- 199 Logging in Existing Users (8:13)
- 200 Logging Out Users (9:43)
- 201 Using a Constants File and Understanding the static Keyword
- 202 How to use a UITableView and Create a Message Model
- 203 Customising Cells in a TableView using a .xib File
- 204 [Swift Deep Dive] Casting as_ as! as is and understanding Any
- 205 Database setup and Saving Data to Firestore (17:18)
- 206 Retrieving Data from Firestore (15:14)
- 207 Listening for Updates on Firestore (4:50)
- 208 How to Sort Data retrieved from Firestore (7:44)
- 209 How to Manage the Keyboard and use the Swift Package Manager
- 210 Finishing Touches_ UI and UX Improvements (26:07)
- 211 The ViewController Lifecycle Explained (10:53)
- 212 The App Lifecycle Methods Explained (10:46)
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Available in
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- 220 What is SwiftUI_ (9:00)
- 221 How to Build a SwiftUI App from Scratch (13:58)
- 223 How to Create Complex Designs and Layouts using SwiftUI (31:24)
- 226 SwiftUI Dicee Part 1 - Designing a Layout using Spacers and Subviews (13:07)
- 227 SwiftUI Dicee Part 2 - Building in Functionality and Managing State (7:31)
- 229 H4X0R News Part 1 - Understanding the List and Identi - Copy (12:36)
- 230 H4X0R News Part 2 - Networking in SwiftUI (11:43)
- 231 H4X0R News Part 3 - The Observer Design Pattern (9:47)
- 232 H4X0R News Part 4 - Using UIKit Components with SwiftUI (15:07)
- 235 Running your iOS App on a Mac with Project Catalyst (5:05)
- 236 Tip from Angela - How to Solidify Your Knowledge (2:56)
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- 238 Introduction to Version Control and Git (2:35)
- 239 Version Control Using Git and the Command Line (15:03)
- 240 GitHub and Remote Repositories (11:00)
- 242 Gitignore (12:02)
- 243 Cloning Repositories (5:05)
- 244 Branching and Merging (17:25)
- 245 Using Xcode for Source Control (19:40)
- 246 Forking and Pull Requests (17:09)
- 248 Tip from Angela - Spaced Repetition (4:01)
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- 250 The Clear App Clone that You'll Build by the End of this Module
- 251 Subclassing a UITableViewController (16:05)
- 252 TableView Delegate Methods and Accessories (7:46)
- 253 Creating a Textfield Inside UIAlert to Add New Items
- 254 Why Do We Need Persistent Local Data Storage_ (8:30)
- 255 Persistent Local Data Storage Using UserDefaults
- 256 UserDefaults Explained (8:37)
- 257 [Advanced Swift] The Swift Singleton Object (5:25)
- 259 Creating a Custom Data Model (17:51)
- 260 [Advanced Swift] The Swift Ternary Operator (3:05)
- 261 Restructuring Our App with MVC (4:52)
- 262 The Concept of iOS Sandboxing (3:41)
- 263 Encoding Data with NSCoder (13:06)
- 264 Decoding Data with NSCoder (7:39)
- 265 Introduction to Databases (10:13)
- 266 How to Set up and Configure Core Data (18:33)
- 267 How to Save Data with Core Data (Create in CRUD)
- 268 How to View Your SQLite Database Backend for Core Data
- 269 Core Data Fundamentals (7:30)
- 270 Reading Data from Core Data (Read in CRUD) (4:50)
- 271 Updating Data with Core Data (Update in CRUD) (2:30)
- 272 Removing Data from Core Data (Delete in CRUD) (5:18)
- 273 How to Implement a UISearchBar and Querying with Core Data
- 274 How to Go Back to the Original List_ (7:21)
- 275 How to Create Relationship Graphs in Core Data (13:55)
- 276 [Solution to Challenge] Setting Up CategoryViewController
- 277 Adding the Delegate Method (15:54)
- 278 Introduction to Realm (15:41)
- 279 How to Save Data Using Realm (Create in CRUD) (15:29)
- 280 Fetching Data from Realm (Read in CRUD) (20:20)
- 281 Updating Data with Realm (Update in CRUD) (3:32)
- 282 Removing Data from Realm (Delete in CRUD) (2:36)
- 284 Querying Data Using Realm (11:04)
- 285 Review of How Our App Uses Realm for Data Persistence
- 286 Making Our Cells Swipeable (21:21)
- 287 Inheriting from SwipeTableViewController (17:03)
- 288 [Solution to Challenge] Inheriting from SwipeTableViewController
- 289 Adding Colour to Our App (8:12)
- 290 [Solution to Challenge] Persisting the Colour Property
- 291 Creating Gradient Flow Cells (20:12)
- 293 Updating the UI of the Navigation Bar (20:22)
- 295 Tip from Angela - Location, Location, Location!
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- 297 What You-ll Need to Implement In-App Purchases (5:41)
- 299 Check out the Skeleton Project (2:44)
- 300 Setup Your In-App Purchase on App Store Connect (14:25)
- 301 Create an Inspirational Quotes App (8:22)
- 302 Detecting When a User Wants to Make a Purchase (9:26)
- 303 Implementing the In-App Purchase with Apple StoreKit (12:51)
- 306 Giving Users Access to Purchased Content (11:33)
- 307 Restoring In-App Purchases (7:07)
- 309 Tip from Angela - Use Accountability in your Favour (2:56)
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Available in
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- 321 What We-ll Make - Calculator (2:25)
- 323 Accumulating Numbers in the Calculator (14:50)
- 324 Swift Access Levels (17:02)
- 325 Advanced Swift Optionals (13:02)
- 326 Adding More Functionality to Our Calculator (4:28)
- 327 Dealing with the Decimal Place (5:30)
- 328 Refactoring with Computed Properties (6:58)
- 329 Conforming to MVC (17:54)
- 330 Swift Structs vs. Classes - The Theory (5:56)
- 331 Swift Structs vs. Classes - In Practice (25:05)
- 332 How to Turn Our Model into a Struct (12:17)
- 333 Swift Tuples (4:20)
- 334 Guard Let vs. If Let When to Use Which_ (18:42)
- 336 Tip from Angela - Find All the Hard Working People (2:01)
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- 339 Supervised Learning (14:09)
- 338 Introduction to Machine Learning (5:02)
- 340 Unsupervised Learning (6:10)
- 341 Reinforcement Learning (7:14)
- 342 What is CoreML_ (6:51)
- 343 What we-ll be making (2:21)
- 345 How to Import the Image Recognition Model & Enable Camera Functionality (21:55)
- 346 Getting Image Recognition Results Back from Our V3 Model (14:24)
- 347 Hotdog or Not Hotdog_ (7:16)
- 349 Tip from Angela - Daily Routines (2:34)
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- 351 What we-ll be making (4:02)
- 352 Installing CoremlTools using Python PIP (9:18)
- 353 Converting a Caffe Model into MLModel (11:58)
- 354 -Challenge- - Set up a UIImagePickerController (1:41)
- 355 -Solution- - Setting up a UIImagePickerController (5:54)
- 356 -Challenge- Getting Classifications from Our Model (1:00)
- 357 -Solution- Getting Classifications from our Model (9:01)
- 358 -Challenge- Adding Cocoapods to Our Project (3:05)
- 359 -Solution- Adding Cocoapods to Our Project (1:48)
- 362 -Challenge- Parsing the JSON Result using SwiftyJSON (2:10)
- 363 -Solution- Parsing the JSON Result using SwiftyJSON (5:56)
- 364 Displaying Images From a URL using SDWebImage (5:16)
- 367 Tip from Angela - Deep Work (3:01)
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Available in
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- 377 Using CreateML for Natural Language Processing (20:45)
- 376 What We-ll Make - Twitter Sentiment Analysis (6:13)
- 378 How to Sign Up as a Twitter Developer (13:23)
- 379 Setting Up the Swifter Framework (17:11)
- 380 How to Fetch Live Twitter Data (13:18)
- 381 Performing Sentiment Classification (6:17)
- 382 Parsing Tweet Data in JSON (10:16)
- 383 Making Batch Predictions (10:20)
- 384 Updating the User Interface of Our App (8:06)
- 385 Code Refactoring (8:51)
- 387 Tip from Angela - Discipline Breeds Discipline (2:20)
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after you enroll
- 389 Introduction to Augmented Reality and ARKit (8:06)
- 390 How to Setup and Configure Your Project for AR (11:58)
- 391 How to Create a 3D Object in Augmented Reality (9:24)
- 392 Bring the Moon into Your Living Room Using AR (3:44)
- 393 How to Find and Import 3D Models for AR (11:30)
- 394 How to Detect Horizontal Planes in the Real World (18:20)
- 395 How to Detect Touch on Real World 3D Objects (7:08)
- 396 How to Place Our Dice in 3D Using Touch (6:49)
- 397 How to Animate 3D Objects in AR (6:18)
- 398 How to Animate and Roll all the 3D Dice at Once (5:01)
- 399 How to Remove Our 3D Objects from the AR Scene (2:35)
- 400 -Optional Lesson- Refactoring Our Code for Better Readability (8:39)
- 402 Tip from Angela - Dealing with Limitations (5:22)
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Available in
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- 412 Adding Tracking Images (13:17)
- 411 What We-ll Make - Pokemon 3D (4:37)
- 413 How to Add Plane to Card (9:44)
- 414 Converting 3D Models to the New USDZ File Format (7:47)
- 415 Adding 3D Pokemon Modes to Card Tracking (11:11)
- 416 Tracking Multiple Pokemons (14:15)
- 418 Tip from Angela - Imposter Syndrome (2:07)
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Available in
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Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- 439 Why Design is Important for an App Entrepreneur (1:32)
- 438 Introduction to App Design (1:41)
- 440 Designer vs. Non-Designer Thinking (3:33)
- 441 Understanding the Mood of Your Colour Palette (6:02)
- 442 How to Combine Colours to Create Colour Palettes (4:08)
- 443 Tools for Designing with Colour (2:47)
- 445 Introduction to Typography (0:44)
- 446 The Serif Type Family - Origins and Use (4:40)
- 447 The Sans-Serif Type Family - Origins and Use (1:38)
- 448 How Typography Determines Readability (2:39)
- 449 How to Combine Fonts Like a Pro (6:00)
- 451 What is User Interface (UI) Design_ (0:43)
- 452 The Tour Guide Approach to UI Design (3:11)
- 453 The Importance of Alignment (2:50)
- 454 What is Good Practice in Interaction Design (8:25)
- 455 Colour in User Interface Design (2:16)
- 456 The Many Ways of Designing Text Overlays (3:22)
- 457 How to Be an Attention Architect (4:46)
- 459 What is User Experience (UX) Design_ (4:12)
- 460 Usability (5:17)
- 461 Asking for Permissions (3:14)
- 462 User Profiling (2:30)
- 463 Form vs. Function (2:18)
- 464 Consistency (2:57)
- 465 Simplicity (4:18)
- 466 Don-t Make Me Think (7:27)
- 467 Onboarding (2:35)
- 468 Idiot Boxes (3:44)
- 470 Android vs. iOS Design (3:11)
- 471 Navigation (3:08)
- 472 The Devil is in the Details (1:09)
- 473 Differences in Icon Design (0:35)
- 474 Flat Design vs. Material Design (2:32)
- 475 Differences in Establishing Visual Hierarchy (0:44)
- 476 iOS and Android Design Guidelines (2:56)
- 477 Step1 - Design Patterns and Colour Palettes (3:29)
- 479 Step 2 - How to Create a User Flow Diagram (7:56)
- 480 Step 3 - How to Create Wireframes (10:33)
- 482 Step 4 - How to Create Professional Mockups (5:07)
- 484 How to Use Sketch to Create Mockups (15:28)
- 485 -Optional- Watch me Create a Mock up Using Sketch (46:11)
- 486 How to Use Canva to Create Mockups (3:39)
- 487 Your Turn to Create Your Own Mockups (2:04)
- 489 Step 5 - How to Create an Animated App Prototype (3:38)
- 491 Prototyping with Keynote (8:04)
- 492 Prototyping with Marvel (5:27)
- 493 Your Turn to Create a Prototype (1:16)
- 496 How to Keep Designing and Improving (1:11)
- 497 Tip from Angela - Step Up to Challenges (1:14)
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- 34 Bonus_ The Complete App Marketing Course
- 499 The Importance of App Marketing (1:04)
- 500 The Fallacy of Build it and They Will Come (5:27)
- 501 The Importance of Idea Validation (5:43)
- 503 2. Using Google Trends to Estimate the Size of Your Market (5:28)
- 504 3. The Landing Page Validation Method (16:01)
- 505 How to Create a Landing Page Website in Less than an Hour (3:29)
- 506 4. Creating a Minimum Viable Product (8:01)
- 507 5. Using Crowd-funding to Validate and Fund Your Idea (6:34)
- 508 How to Monetise Your App on iOS vs. Android (3:23)
- 509 When You Should Create a Paid App (8:34)
- 510 When to use In-App Advertisements (6:27)
- 511 How You Thought About These Alternative Monetisation Models_ (6:50)
- 512 How to Get an App icon Designed without Breaking the Bank (4:23)
- 513 Split Testing for Super Success (6:06)
- 514 What Makes a Good App Icon_ (1:09)
- 515 The Dos and Don-ts of Making App Screenshots (2:58)
- 516 Tools for Building Screenshots (1:18)
- 517 Your First 1000 Customers (3:32)
- 518 Building an Email List (2:36)
- 519 The All Important Landing Page (7:56)
- 520 Blogging Your Way to Success (5:04)
- 521 Content Marketing for App Downloads (3:14)
- 522 How to Successfully Launch on Product Hunt (9:23)
- 523 How to Launch on Beta List (1:29)
- 524 How to Launch on Hacker News (2:25)
- 525 If At First You Don-t Succeed (2:40)
- 526 Cross Promotion (1:16)
- 527 Social Referrals and Social Queuing (3:49)
- 528 How to Make Social Media Work for You (4:51)
- 529 Do I Need a PR Agency_ (0:51)
- 530 Not All Press is Created Equal (0:40)
- 531 How to Craft Your Story (4:56)
- 532 How to Craft Your Pitch (1:39)
- 533 How to Figure Out Which Journalists to Pitch (2:45)
- 534 How to Find Anyone-s Email Address (1:33)
- 535 How to Pitch a Journalist (4:36)
- 537 Establishing a Relationship with a Journalist (1:07)
- 538 What if You Still Can-t Get Anyone to Write About You_ (3:55)
- 539 Final Tips on Getting Press (2:01)
- 540 How to Get Featured on the App Store_ (1:08)
- 541 _Only on the App Store_ (1:36)
- 542 Work with the Corporate Mindset (1:04)
- 543 Native vs. Cross-Platform Apps (2:07)
- 544 Tips and Tricks for Getting Featured (3:08)
- 545 What is App Store Optimisation (ASO)_ (1:01)
- 546 Top Tips to Optimise Your App Store Listing (2:06)
- 547 My Complete ASO Workflow (4:59)
- 548 Using Apple Search Ads as a Research Tool (2:05)
- 549 Early vs. Late Game Strategies (1:19)
- 550 Differences Between Google Play and Apple App Store (2:24)
- 551 When to use Paid Advertising or App Marketing (0:52)
- 552 Always Test Before You Advertise (3:50)
- 553 Which Platform to Advertise On_ (0:33)
- 554 How Much Does it Cost_ (1:38)
- 555 How to Setup Your Facebook Ad (2:29)
- 556 Use Your Competitors- Ad Budget (2:17)
- 557 Where Can I Find More Customers_ (0:56)
- 558 One Weird Trick to Get More Money from Apple (1:39)
- 559 How to Get More 5 Star Ratings and Reviews (4:10)
- 560 Use This Free Tools to Monitor Your App Reviews (1:02)
- 561 How to use App Analytics to Increase User Retention (3:08)
- 562 White Hat Techniques (3:03)
- 563 Black Hat Techniques (4:20)
- 564 A 5 Second Way of Building a Web Page for Your iOS App (1:47)
- 565 How to Use Bootstrap to Build Your App Showcase Website (9:52)
- 567 Tip from Angela - Decision Fatigue (1:26)
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- 569 AAA 1 - How to Soak in Programming Concepts & much more.en_US
- 569 AAA 1 - How to Soak in Programming Concepts & much more (39:43)
- 570 AAA 2 - Schedule for Learning to Code & much more.en_US
- 570 AAA 2 - Schedule for Learning to Code & much more (39:08)
- 571 AAA 3 - How to Start Freelancing & much more.en_US
- 571 AAA 3 - How to Start Freelancing & much more (25:20)
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