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Master in Comptia PenTest+ Ethical Hacking
1 - Introduction
2 - About the CompTIA PenTest PT0002 Exam (7:21)
1 - Introduction to the CompTIA PenTest PT0002 Course (8:40)
2 - Planning and Engagement
3 - Chapter01PlanningandEngagementHandout
3 - Planning a Pen Test (8:21)
4 - Rules of Engagement (10:28)
5 - Regulatory Compliance (4:23)
6 - Resources and Budget (7:07)
7 - Impact and Constraints (5:06)
8 - Support Resources (13:14)
9 - Legal Groundwork (11:43)
10 - Service Provider Agreements (2:13)
11 - Standards and Methodologies Part 1 (6:48)
12 - Standards and Methodologies Part 2 (9:17)
13 - Environmental and Scoping Considerations (13:38)
14 - Ethical Mindset (5:36)
15 - Lab Environment Setup (17:32)
16 - Project Strategy and Risk (9:12)
17 - Scope Vulnerabilities (13:19)
18 - Compliance (4:08)
3 - Information Gathering and Vulnerability Scanning
19 - Chapter02InformationGatheringHandout
19 - Scanning and Enumeration (4:16)
20 - Scanning Demo (10:46)
21 - Packet Investigation (7:57)
22 - Packet Inspection Demo (5:48)
23 - Labtainers Setup (12:09)
24 - Labtainers Lab Wireshark (8:54)
25 - Application and Open (11:38)
26 - Passive Reconnaissance (10:08)
27 - Active Reconnaissance (7:50)
28 - Vulnerability Scanning (8:41)
29 - Vulnerability Scanning Demo (16:20)
30 - Labtainers Lab Network Basics (2:51)
31 - Labtainers Lab Nmap Discovery (3:13)
32 - Target Considerations (15:36)
33 - Analyzing Scan Output (5:02)
34 - Nmap Scoping and Output Options (21:04)
35 - Nmap Timing and Performance Options (6:32)
36 - Prioritization of Vulnerabilities (9:07)
37 - Common Attack Techniques (12:05)
38 - Automating Vulnerability Scans (3:35)
39 - Credential Attacks (14:32)
40 - Labtainers Lab Password Cracking (2:23)
41 - Labtainers Lab Secure Socket Layers (2:30)
42 - Labtainers Lab Routing Basics (2:00)
4 - NetworkBased Attacks
43 - Chapter03NetworkAttacksHandout
43 - Exploit Resources and Network Attacks (4:37)
44 - Network (7:07)
45 - FTP Exploit Demo (8:15)
46 - Man (7:06)
47 - Labtainers Lab TCPIP Attacks (2:09)
48 - Labtainers Lab ARP Spoof Attacks (1:53)
49 - Labtainers Lab Local DNS Attacks (1:47)
50 - Labtainers Lab MACs and Hash Functions (1:19)
5 - Selecting Pen Testing Tools
51 - Chapter04WirelessandRFAttacksHandout
51 - Wireless Exploits (13:17)
52 - Wireless Exploits Part 2 (2:46)
53 - Antennas (3:48)
6 - Reporting and Communication
54 - Chapter05WebandDatabaseAttacksHandout
54 - OWASP Top 10 (8:40)
55 - Application Exploits Part 1 (5:34)
56 - SQL Injection Demo (8:41)
57 - Labtainers Lab SQL Injection (2:38)
58 - Application Exploits Part 2 (8:02)
59 - Application Exploits Part 3 (9:11)
60 - Cross (7:00)
61 - Labtainers Lab CrossSite Scripting (1:37)
62 - Labtainers Lab Cross (1:14)
63 - Code Vulnerabilities (16:36)
64 - API Attacks and Attack Resources (6:28)
65 - Privilege Escalation Linux (9:37)
66 - Privilege Escalation Windows (6:09)
67 - Misc Privilege Escalation (7:54)
68 - Misc Local Host Vulnerabilities (8:05)
7 - Attacking the Cloud
69 - Chapter06AttackingtheCloudHandout
69 - Cloud Attacks Part 1 (4:51)
70 - Cloud Attacks Part 2 (4:40)
8 - Specialized and Fragile Systems
71 - Chapter07SpecializedandFragileSystemsHandout
71 - Mobile Attacks (10:25)
72 - IoT Attacks (10:18)
73 - Data Storage and Management Interface Attacks (8:58)
74 - Virtual and Containerized Environment Attacks (7:31)
75 - Labtainers Lab Industrial Control System (1:52)
9 - Social Engineering and Physical Attacks
76 - Pretext for a Social Engineering Attack (2:31)
76 - Chapter08SocialEngineeringandPhysicalAttacksHandout
77 - Remote Social Engineering (6:10)
78 - Spear Phishing Demo (10:09)
79 - In (11:45)
80 - Physical Security (11:17)
10 - Post Exploitation
81 - Post (11:07)
81 - Chapter09PostExploitationHandout
82 - Post (3:22)
83 - Network Segmentation Testing (3:00)
84 - Persistence and Stealth (10:45)
85 - Detection Avoidance Techniques (6:16)
11 - Post Engagement Activities
86 - Chapter10PostEngagementActivitiesHandout
86 - Report Writing (14:47)
87 - Important Components of Written Reports (2:37)
88 - Mitigation Strategies (5:00)
89 - Technical and Physical Controls (3:46)
90 - Administrative and Operational Controls (5:11)
91 - Communication (8:38)
92 - Presentation of Findings (2:58)
93 - Post (5:23)
94 - Data Destruction Process (1:37)
12 - Tools and Programming
101 - Scripting Languages Comparison (10:56)
100 - Python Scripts (5:45)
102 - Data Structures Part 1 (7:41)
103 - Data Structures Part 2 (8:13)
104 - Libraries (3:03)
105 - Classes (8:05)
106 - Procedures and Functions (5:48)
107 - Perl and JavaScript (5:42)
95 - Chapter11ToolsandProgrammingHandout
95 - Using Scripting in Pen Testing (12:33)
96 - Bash Scripting Basics (14:55)
97 - Bash Scripting Techniques (10:11)
98 - PowerShell Scripts (4:02)
99 - Ruby Scripts (6:32)
13 - Tools Inventory
108 - Pen Testing Toolbox (6:46)
108 - Chapter12ToolsInventoryHandout
109 - Using Kali Linux (6:14)
110 - Scanners & Credential Tools (9:52)
111 - Code (4:20)
112 - Open (6:21)
113 - Wireless and Web Pen Testing Tools (10:48)
114 - Remote Access Tools (6:15)
115 - Analyzers and Mobile Pen Testing Tools (2:29)
116 - Other Pen Testing Tools (4:19)
117 - Labtainers Lab Metasploit Framework (2:00)
118 - Labtainers Lab Wireshark Packet Inspection (1:44)
119 - Labtainers Lab SSH (0:58)
120 - Scanners Debuggers and Wireless Tools (9:52)
121 - Web Steganography and Cloud Tools (9:08)
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56 - SQL Injection Demo
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