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Mastering ASP.NET Core From Scratch
1. ASP.NET Core 3.1 & 5.0 MVC - The Big Picture
1. Course Introduction (12:55)
2. Software Prerequisites (6:30)
3. Understanding the ASP.NET Core Platform (7:33)
4. Introduction To MiddleWare Components (3:44)
5. Understanding Request PipeLine (1:24)
6. Introduction to Services (3:35)
7. The Road To ASP.NET Core MVC (2:36)
8. Introduction to ASP.NET Core MVC (6:36)
3. Working with Sections
1. Creating and Rendering Sections (13:22)
4. Adding Custom MiddleWare To Request PipeLine
1. Creating Custom MiddleWare in Startup Class (10:37)
2. Creating Custom Middleware Using a Separate Class (7:24)
3. Return PipeLine Path (4:21)
4. Short-Circuiting the Request Pipeline (5:53)
5. Creating Pipeline Branches (6:18)
6. Adding Terminal Support To Class based MiddleWare (8:42)
7. Configuring MiddleWare using Options Pattern (6:27)
8. Using the Options Pattern with Class-Based Middleware (3:38)
5. Working With Controllers
1. Creating Our First Controller by writing Actions
2. Working with ViewBag Model Object (9:20)
3. Accessing QueryString Parameter Values (4:11)
4. Redirecting Users To a Different URL (14:09)
5. Creating a Custom Model and Passing it to View (7:37)
6. Accessing RouteData Object Values (4:37)
7. Customizing Nav Bar (5:10)
6. Working with Various Types Of IActionResults
1. Using ContentResult (10:34)
2. Using ViewResult (2:49)
3. Using RedirectResult (4:12)
4. Using RedirectToActionResult (2:31)
5. Using RedirectToRouteResult (4:55)
6. Using FileResult (4:08)
7. Using FileContentResult (4:35)
8. Using FileStreamResult (2:55)
9. Using VirtualFileResult and PhysicalFileResult (4:35)
10. Using JsonResult (2:08)
11. Using EmptyResult and NoContentResult (3:37)
12. Using BadRequestResult and StatusCodeResult (6:42)
13. Using UnauthorizedResult (2:03)
14. Using NotFoundResult (1:59)
15. Using OkObjectResult (1:58)
16. Using PartialViewResult (11:15)
7. Developing a Simple MVC Core App
1. Developing a Sample Mini-App (31:46)
8. State Management Techniques in ASP.NET Core MVC
1. Using ViewBag,ViewData objects in our Application (10:01)
2. Using TempDataCookieState (11:26)
3. Using SessionStateProvider (3:52)
4. Using Cookies (7:27)
5. Using Session Object (6:52)
9. Working with Scaffolding Templates
1. Displaying List Of Records using Strongly Typed View (15:34)
2. Displaying Data of a Single Record (7:56)
3. Updating a Record (18:02)
4. Deleting a Record (6:25)
5. Inserting a Record (8:10)
10. Working with Strongly Typed Partial Views
1. Displaying List Of Records using Strongly Typed Partial View (15:21)
11. Configuring RazorViewEngine View Locations
1. Adding Custom ViewLocations (7:10)
13. Performing Validations with various Data Annotations
1. Implementing Validations with Various Data Annotations (11:08)
2. Creating Views and Testing Validations (16:57)
4. Implementing Custom Validation Attributes at Model Level (6:59)
14. Understanding Default Model Binding
1. Excluding a Property from Model Binding (4:45)
2. Binding Selective Properties Only (2:56)
3. Binding To Complex Types (4:38)
15. Understanding Dependency Injection
1. Overview of Dependency Injection (9:43)
2. Creating a Service and adding it to Dependency Injection Container (18:11)
3. AddTransient Service (8:36)
4. AddSingleton Service (3:14)
5. AddScoped Service (7:16)
6. Manually Obtaining Service Context (3:01)
16. Working with Configuration Service and User Secrets
1. Understanding Configuration Files (11:01)
2. Accessing Configuration Data with the Options Pattern (7:30)
3. Storing and Reading User Secrets (6:08)
17. Working with Logging Service
1. Overview of Logging Levels (3:20)
2. Calling various Log Methods in Controller (16:57)
18. Working with Filters
1. Creating an Action Filter & Result Filter (23:14)
2. Creating an AsyncAction Filter (13:19)
3. Assigning Multiple Custom Filters at Global Level (5:45)
4. Setting Execution Order of Custom Filters (5:24)
5. Using ServiceFilterAttribute To use Custom Filter (9:34)
19. Customizing Exception Handling Mechanism
1. Understanding Default Error Handling Mechanism (13:05)
2. Working with ExceptionFilterAttribute (8:50)
20. Developing ViewComponents
1. Creating a View Component (8:39)
2. Applying View Component using Component Property (4:25)
3. Applying View Component Using Tag Helper (2:43)
4. Working with IViewComponentResult (11:08)
5. Passing Parameters To ViewComponent From Parent View (6:45)
6. Creating a Hybrid Controller Class (19:31)
21. Creating Custom Tag Helpers
1. Developing a Custom Tag Helper (16:09)
2. Narrowing the scope of Custom Tag Helper (4:55)
3. Widening the scope of Custom Tag Helper (3:02)
22. Using Built In Tag Helpers
1. Working with Built-in Tag Helper Attributes for Anchor Elements (20:52)
2. Working with Built-in Tag Helper Attributes for Script Elements (16:21)
3. Working with Built-in Tag Helper Attributes for Link Elements (7:18)
4. Working with Built-in Tag Helper Attributes for Cache Elements (9:36)
5. Working with Built-in Tag Helper Attributes for Environment Elements (1:46)
23. Working with Areas
1. Creating and Testing Areas (14:56)
24. Configuring Entity Framework Core
1. Creating Sample Database and Tables (3:10)
2. Creating Model Classes (7:01)
3. Installing the Entity Framework Core Packages (2:06)
4. Defining the Connection String (2:38)
5. Creating the Database Context Class (3:05)
6. Configuring Entity Framework Core for the Web Application (4:08)
25. Performing CRUD Operations using EF Core Database First Approach
1. Inserting a Record (14:37)
2. Selecting All Records (4:30)
3. Selecting a Record (4:00)
4. Updating a Record (6:05)
5. Deleting a Record (4:36)
26. Performing CRUD Operations using EF Core Code First Approach
1. Adding Database Migrations (6:48)
2. Testing CRUD Operations with Code First Approach (3:53)
27. Working with different Cache Providers
1. Storing data into Cache Using DistributedMemoryCache (10:14)
2. Storing data into Cache using DistributedSqlServerCache (22:43)
28. Working with Web API Core
1. Creating and Configuring Web API Project (16:52)
2. Writing a Get Method To Retrieve all Records using EF Core (7:07)
3. Writing a Get Method To Retrieve details of a specific Record (4:02)
4. Writing a Post Method To Insert Record using EF Core (6:01)
5. Writing a Put Method To Update Row Details (8:23)
6. Writing a Delete Method To Delete a Row (2:29)
7. Creating a Web API Controller with EF Core using Scaffolding Template (4:13)
29. Consuming Web API from ASP.NET Core MVC App
1. Creating and Configuring ASP.NET Core MVC Web App (10:10)
2. Calling GetAsync Method To Retrieve all records (10:20)
3. Calling GetAsync Method To Retrieve a specific record (5:37)
4. Calling PostAsync Method to Insert a record (7:47)
5. Calling PutAsync Method to Update a record (6:32)
6. Calling DeleteAsync Method to Delete a Record (5:21)
31. Deployment
1. Install the .NET Core Hosting Bundle (1:25)
2. Deploying ASP.NET Core MVC Web App To IIS Using Web Deploy (13:21)
3. Deploying ASP.NET Core MVC Web App To IIS Using Web Deploy Package (6:27)
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6. Writing a Delete Method To Delete a Row
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