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Mastering Web Development with Laravel 10
1. Introduction
1. Introduction (7:40)
2. Installation
1. Very Important a Must Watch Video (1:40)
2. Installing Xampp (7:40)
3. Installing VS Code (2:33)
3. Getting Started and Setting up the Project
1. Design and Code for the Project (2:45)
2. Create a New Laravel Project and Running the Server (6:07)
3. Creating Authentication System (10:09)
4. Integrating our Theme pt.1 (17:48)
5. Integrating our Theme pt.2 (21:53)
4. Diving Deeper and Getting Main Features Done
2. Working with Home Page pt.2 (20:07)
1. Working with Home Page pt.1 (18:33)
3. Displaying Single Job pt.1 (20:35)
4. Displaying Single Job pt.2 (20:04)
5. Sharing Jobs (6:31)
5. Saving and Applying for Jobs and Creating Categories
1. Saving Jobs pt.1 (21:14)
2. Saving Jobs pt.2 (9:36)
3. Applying for Jobs pt.1 (22:45)
4. Applying for Jobs pt.2 (6:23)
5. Displaying Categories (8:29)
6. Displaying Jobs for every Category (13:16)
6. Creating Users Pages and Searching for Jobs
1. Creating Profile Page (17:38)
2. Showing Applications for every User (7:59)
3. Showing Saved Jobs for every User (5:08)
4. Updating User Data pt.1 (14:27)
5. Updating User Data pt.2 (18:00)
6. Updating CVs (17:45)
7. Validating and Cleaning up pt.1 (8:20)
8. Validating and Cleaning up pt.2 (14:19)
9. Searching Through Jobs (23:31)
10. Working with Trending Keywords pt.1 (6:15)
11. Working with Trending Keywords pt.2 (7:01)
12. Validating Single Job Page (10:19)
7. Creating Custom Authentication System
1. Design and Code for Admin Panel (2:11)
2. Creating Custom Authentication pt.1 (6:01)
3. Creating Custom Authentication pt.2 (23:39)
4. Validating and Cleaning up pt.1 (5:52)
5. Validating and Cleaning up pt.2 (13:38)
8. Finishing Admins Section
2. Working with Index Page (4:51)
1. Showing All Admins (8:25)
3. Creating New Admins (13:29)
9. Finishing Categories Section
1. Displaying All Categories (8:34)
2. Creating Categories (9:03)
3. Updating Categories (12:32)
4. Deleting Categories (4:23)
10. Finishing Jobs Section
1. Displaying All Jobs (6:57)
2. Creating New Jobs (35:22)
3. Deleting Jobs (14:40)
11. Finishing Applications Section
1. Showing All Applications (15:53)
2. Deleting Applications (4:15)
12. Update New Lectures
2. Fixing Errors and Enhancing pt.2 (8:19)
1. Fixing Errors and Enhancing pt.1 (5:20)
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2. Working with Home Page pt.2
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